How to use the gallery to get your production photosboth digitally and printed!

Your show is outstanding, you should be very proud!

Production Photo Gallery

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Your show is outstanding, you should be very proud!

Production Photo Gallery

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Your show is outstanding, you should be very proud!

Production Photo Gallery

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Your show is outstanding, you should be very proud!

Production Photo Gallery

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Your show is outstanding, you should be very proud!

Production Photo Gallery

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Did you know?

You can order affordable prints directly through the photo gallery. Autographed photos make great gifts for family and friends! Frame your photos for posterity!

SHare your photos online

You can view a photo and then click the "download" button to get a screen-sized digital copy. Please make sure to tag @colinmadisonphoto whenever you share on facebook or instagram, even in profile photos.

how to order photos in the gallery

1) choose your photos

add each photo to your cart

1) choose your photos

add each photo to your cart

When you're viewing a photo, click the "buy" button in the top right corner.

2) select size and number

you can mix and match

2) select size and number

you can mix and match

For each photo, you can choose sizes and order multiples. When it's correct, click "add to cart."

3) click cart to check out

competitive prices

3) click cart to check out

competitive prices

Back on the gallery screen, click the cart icon to purchase. Prints will be shipped directly to your door!

book senior photos now!

Calling the Class of 2024!

Did you know I also offer Senior Photos?

Packages start at $399 and include a two-hour session with up to 3 outfits. Instruments, letterman jackets, sports uniforms, and individuality are highly encouraged. Let’s capture what makes you… well… YOU.

Book Senior Photos

Other Photography Services

quality photography at reasonable prices. hire me!

Ready to make it big?

Planning to audition for other theaters in the region? I offer headshots for actors! Make sure you show up to your audition with your best face forward.

Sessions start at only $99.

family photography

My specialty is family photography. I'm booking sessions for spring, summer and fall. Contact me now to book yours!

Sessions start at only $299.